A Guide to Transitioning Out From Your Winter Self-Care to a Springtime Routine

Every year when Spring rolls around, it feels like the perfect opportunity to make space in our lives for a lighter load. With winter over, it’s a great time to change up our daily routine and adjust to the new time and warmer weather. After all, different seasons call for different needs. But the transition doesn’t have to be all that complicated, but rather simple. We’re talking a lighter skincare routine, trading out our thick down comforters for fresher linens and making room in our closet for those breezy beach dresses. We’re narrowing down three easy ways to prep your self-care routine lineup as Mother Earth undergoes her annual springtime transformation.

Face Lotions and Serums. Winter skin begs us to use heavier skin care products in order to survive the cool temperatures. But as the weather heats up, our skin no longer requires it. An easy way to change your skin care routine is swapping out your thick serums and lotions for a toner or a light exfoliator in order to help remove any excess dirt you gather from sweat in these warmer months. Toners are great as they aid in balancing your skin’s pH balance while exfoliators work wonders as anti-inflammatories. 

Shop for lighter clothes. Self-care can also show up in the form of treating yourself every now and then. Treat your wardrobe with an update, guiltfree. Lightweight and brighter fabrics keep you comfy and cool in the springtime. 

Switch up your diet. Winter was a time when your body craved warm soups and heavier foods. Now that the weather is starting to improve, fresh fruits and vegetables are easily found at your local markets. Pick up some cooling foods such as mint or cilantro to help fight any inflammation your body may have taken on after a winter’s worth of eating comfort foods.